Embracing Forbearance: Cultivating Patience, Grace and Resilience


I hope this newsletter finds you well, cozy with your favorite cup of coffee in hand. Today, we're diving into the world of the Fruit of the Spirit, focusing on "forbearance" as mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23. As your Christian Mental Health Counselor, it's a joy to share this enlightening path with you. As an added treat in this newsletter, I invite you to embark on a self-reflective journey by taking our special questionnaire, designed to help you assess your level of forebearance and explore the spiritual fruit it bears in your life.

So, get comfy, grab pen and paper and let's dive into this juicy topic together and explore how this beautiful virtue can contribute positively to your life and mental well-being.


Picture forebearance as your superhero cape for navigating life's challenges. Forbearance is a character trait that might not roll off the tongue as easily as some other fruits like love, joy, or peace, but it's just as important. In essence, forbearance is the ability to show patience, tolerance, and restraint, especially in the face of challenging circumstances or difficult people. It's that pause button we press when emotions run high, giving you the superpower of choosing thoughtful responses over knee-jerk reactions. By practicing forbearance, we can reduce stress, improve relationships, nurture our well-being and ultimately, follow His example. But wait, there's more—it's also a fantastic ingredient in the recipe for better mental health! Just as God displays forbearance toward us, we, too, can learn to extend grace and patience to ourselves and others. Let's explore how we can cultivate this spiritual fruit and apply it to various aspects of our mental well-being, our relationships, how we treat ourselves and all to His glory.

Exploring the Spiritual Fruit of Forebearance

Forebearance, often known as patience in our spiritual journey, is the strength that lets us endure challenges while maintaining inner peace. How well do you think you're embodying this virtue? And how might those closest to you describe your patience? In the realm of personal growth, assessments and questionnaires are valuable tools. So, without further ado, let's explore your level of forebearance.

For this assessment, remember that there are no right or wrong answers. The key is honesty, as awareness is the initial step in fostering behavioral change. Take a moment to reflect on the past two weeks and provide your responses.

In challenging situations, do you find it easy to remain calm and composed, or do you tend to react impulsively?

  • Calm and composed
  • Sometimes react impulsively
  • Often react impulsively

How do you handle conflicts with loved ones or colleagues?

  • Seek peaceful resolutions, even if it takes time
  • Sometimes lose patience but strive for resolution
  • Engage in heated arguments or avoid conflict altogether

When someone wrongs you, do you readily forgive and let go of grudges, or do you hold onto resentment?

  • Forgive and let go
  • Sometimes hold onto resentment
  • Struggle to forgive and often hold grudges

Are you able to endure long-term challenges or setbacks with grace and perseverance?

  • Yes, with grace and perseverance
  • Sometimes with grace, but it's a challenge
  • Often find it difficult to endure

How often do you practice self-control in your reactions to life's frustrations?

  • Regularly practice self-control
  • Sometimes struggle with self-control
  • Rarely exercise self-control

Do you actively seek opportunities for personal growth and learning, even when faced with obstacles?

  • Always seek personal growth opportunities
  • Sometimes seek personal growth, depending on the situation
  • Rarely engage in personal growth during challenges

In your spiritual life, do you embrace periods of waiting and uncertainty as opportunities for growth and trust in a higher purpose?

  • Embrace waiting and uncertainty as opportunities for growth
  • Sometimes embrace them, but it's a struggle
  • Find it challenging to trust in a higher purpose during uncertain times



For each "Yes" answer, give yourself 2 points.

For each "Sometimes" answer, give yourself 1 point.

For each "No" answer, give yourself 0 points.


12-14 points: You demonstrate a high level of spiritual forebearance.

6-11 points: There's room for growth in cultivating spiritual forebearance.

0-5 points: Consider exploring practices and teachings that can help you develop forebearance on your spiritual journey.

Practical Steps to Practice Forbearance 🛤️

Incorporate forbearance into your daily life with these practical steps:

**- Pause and Reflect: In moments of tension or frustration, take a deep breath and reflect on how forbearance can improve the situation.

**- Empathize: Seek to understand others' perspectives, even when they differ from your own.

**- Forgive: Forgive yourself and others for past mistakes and shortcomings.

**- Seek Support: Reach out to friends, family, or a counselor when facing challenging situations.

Connect with Forbearing Friends and Family 🤝

Consider the top 2-3 people in your life who consistently demonstrate forbearance, whether it's your patient friend, understanding family member, or compassionate colleague. Reach out to them and ask for their insights on how they practice forbearance in specific situations. Be specific in your questions. For example:

"How do you remain patient when facing conflicts or misunderstandings?"

"Can you share an example of a time when forbearance helped you navigate a difficult relationship?"

"What strategies do you use to stay calm and forgiving when you encounter challenges?"

Their real-life experiences and practical tips can offer valuable guidance for your own journey towards forbearance. Think about instances when someone has extended forbearance towards you, especially during moments of misunderstanding, conflict, or disagreement. What did they do in response to what occurred? How did their forbearance impact you and the situation? Reflect on these experiences to gain a deeper understanding of the power of forbearance.

Challenges as Opportunities for Practicing Forbearance 🌄

Challenges are not stumbling blocks but stepping stones on our journey. They provide us with unique opportunities to exercise forbearance, even when it seems daunting. Consider moments in your life when you believed something was impossible, only to realize later that you could overcome it. These experiences are reminders of your inner strength and resilience.


Relationships: Think about a difficult conversation or disagreement where forbearance led to understanding and harmony.

Past Mistakes: Recall a time when you forgave yourself or someone else, and how it brought healing and transformation.

Life Challenges: Consider a significant life obstacle that, despite initial doubts, you conquered with perseverance and grace.

Forebearance's Do’s and Don’ts:

Do Practice Empathy: Seek to understand others' perspectives, feelings, and experiences, even when they differ from your own.

Do Exercise Patience: Give yourself and others time and space to process emotions and situations, especially in challenging moments.

Do Set Healthy Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries to protect your well-being and communicate them respectfully to others.

Do Seek Resolution: When conflicts arise, approach them with the intent to find mutually agreeable solutions rather than to win arguments.

Do Forgive and Let Go: Embrace forgiveness as a path to healing and personal growth, both for yourself and others.

Do Seek Support: Don't hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or a mental health professional when facing difficulties that require forbearance.


Don't Suppress Emotions: Forbearance doesn't mean suppressing your feelings. Acknowledge your emotions and find healthy ways to express them.

Don't Enable Harmful Behavior: While forbearance is about patience, it should never be an excuse to tolerate or enable abusive or harmful behavior.

Don't Hold Grudges: Refrain from harboring resentment or holding onto past grievances. Forgiveness is key to practicing forbearance.

Don't Rush Resolution: Avoid rushing into hasty solutions or decisions when conflicts arise. Take time to reflect and consider all perspectives.

Don't Neglect Self-Care: Forbearance should never come at the expense of your mental, emotional, or physical well-being. Prioritize self-care.

Don't Judge Harshly: Refrain from making quick judgments or assumptions about others' intentions or actions. Seek to understand before passing judgment.

Anchoring Your Faith with Scripture Memorization 📖

Scripture memorization can be a powerful tool for cultivating forbearance. Here are a few short Bible verses that promote this transformative fruit:

Colossians 3:13 - "Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you."

Proverbs 19:11 - "A person's wisdom yields patience; it is to one's glory to overlook an offense."

James 1:19-20 - "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires."

A Clarification: Forbearance and Boundaries 🚫

While forbearance is a powerful virtue, it's essential to clarify that it does not mean allowing abuse or tolerating harmful behavior. Healthy forbearance includes setting boundaries to protect your well-being and seek justice when necessary.


In counseling, the practice of forebearance is essential. As mental health professionals, we aim to create a safe and understanding space for our clients. We listen, empathize, and exercise forebearance in moments of vulnerability. By doing so, we help our clients build their emotional resilience and improve their overall well-being.

As we conclude this newsletter, remember that forbearance is a transformative force that can mend broken relationships, heal troubled minds, and deepen our faith. By cultivating forbearance and anchoring it in faith and mental health practices, we can embrace a life filled with grace, healing, and enduring love. If you ever find yourself struggling in this journey, please know that professional help is just a call away. Until next time, stay sweet, stay patient, and be kind to yourselves.

If you missed my previous newsletter, I encourage you to check out the concluding section where I shared insights from my recent interview with Bold Journey Magazine. In that interview, I discussed my personal experiences and the journey I undertook to develop resilience (which, as it turns out, required quite a bit of patience and forbearance!).

Read and enjoy these reflections, and may they bring you closer to the Source of all peace and comfort. Have a blessed and peace-filled journey ahead.




Ready for a little tail-wagging wisdom from yours truly? Imagine a walk, breeze in your fur, and your human by your side. That's the peace that makes my tail wag! Now, here's the secret scoop from a poodle's playbook: peace is like a belly rub for your soul. Just like scratches behind my ears send me to doggy paradise, finding quiet with God is like a sunbeam for your spirit.

So, when life's tail-chasing gets you down, pause, lift your snout high, and let His peace settle in. Life's more wagtastic with a sprinkle of peace in your heart.

Paws and peace,

Leon Lopez, Smile Expert 🐶


Exciting news! The photography for our newsletters will be coming from Irita Reagan; an amazing photographer in TN and my role-model in this world. Please see her work here & you can also follow her on instagram!

Much love, Luz.